Guard the Heart Ministries Pastor Rod Lott and Nicole (3)Guard the Heart Ministries, Inc. (GTHM) is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit Christ-centered ministry that is passionate about teaching people the science behind relationships and bonding. GTHM teaches people of all ages how to guard their heart and avoid heartache and pain.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)

Did you catch that? God says to guard our hearts above all else. Interestingly, a lot of people aren’t exactly sure how to do that. What does guarding your heart really look like? What does it look like today, right now, in your life?

Whether you are married or single, young or old, heartbroken or happy, GTHM can help you guard your heart in a world that encourages us to indulge our flesh and do whatever feels good.

We love the image of a heart wrapped and protected by barbed wire. If you’ve ever experienced heartache, you understand the symbolism behind the GTHM logo. It’s unbelievably painful when you realize you neglected to guard your heart. GTHM recognizes that guarding your heart is messy and dirty and sometimes painful.

GTHM totally understands the anatomy of heartache. It’s ironic that GTHM was actually ‘birthed’ during a time of pain, heartbreak, and betrayal. It was birthed on a dark night with questions like:

Why God? How could this be? Why didn’t I see this coming? How could I have trusted someone so unreliable? How could I have read them wrong?

These questions and many more were mixed with tears and shock and disbelief. It was at that precise moment God entered the scene and GTHM was founded. God revealed there are definitive ways to guard the heart. There are ways to minimize the chance of heartache and pain. There are red flags.

For example, most people don’t realize there are behaviors we can engage in that literally ‘blind’ us and hinder our ability to see a person’s true intentions and moral character.

Most people don’t understand the science behind porn and why pornography addiction is so different and powerful in comparison to other addictions. The Science Behind Porn Seminar is GTHM’s specialty.

GTHM empowers parents (and teachers!) to raise children and teens in a way that honors God and keeps them physically and emotionally safe. Successfully Raising a Child In Today’s Culture teaches parents about the basics of teen dating and the science behind relationships and the sin of sexual immorality. (GTHM always incorporates current statistics and cultural trends to educate parents and teachers!)

GTHM curriculum’s include the characteristics of a healthy and trustworthy person, and how to really KNOW someone. (GTHM has even come up with a practical antidote and remedy for heartbreak!) GTHM uses the Relational Attachment Model (R.A.M.) to visually demonstrate the pillars of a healthy relationship. They specifically walk individuals and couple’s through the ‘anatomy’ of a healthy relationship and teach people of all pages exactly how to transform unhealthy relationships into Biblical, healthy relationships using the R.A.M as a visual model:


GTHM has also discovered some essential keys to developing a healthy safe marriage. We need to guard our hearts (particularly when we’re married) because we need to protect the hearts of those who have entrusted their hearts to us!

There are many ways the marital bond can be attacked and GTHM teaches couples how to fortify their romantic relationships through the Journey To The Relational Promised Land 2-day couple’s conference and The Journey 6-week couple’s class. They enthusiastically teach from the same curriculum that saved their own marriage 15 years ago.

Are you ready to guard your heart? We’d love to help!

Mending Hearts in Christ,
Pastor Rod & Nicole

Learn about Pastor Rod and Nicole’s miraculous story of redemption!


Today’s Verse:

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

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