"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8
  • How Much Of A Message Is Conveyed Using Words? 7% 7%
  • How Much Of A Message Is Conveyed Using Vocal Elements? (ie. tone of voice) 38% 38%
  • How Much Of A Message Is Conveyed Using Nonverbal Elements? (ie. facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc.) 55% 55%
  • Percent Of All Daily Communication That Is NonVerbal 93% 93%
Guard the Heart Ministries Communication Class
Guard the Heart Ministries Communication Class
Guard the Heart Ministries Communication Class
Guard the Heart Ministries Communication Class

The Communication Class meets weekly on Sunday evenings from 6pm-7:30pm. For info regarding the next class please Contact Us.

Are you arguing with your romantic partner & feeling misunderstood?

Have you moved past that point to a place of defeat and withdrawal?

Perhaps things are going well. Do you simply want to make a good relationship even better?

If you’ve said yes to any of these questions than the Communication Class is for you!

The Communication Class for Couples is a 5-week class specifically designed to help dating, engaged or married couples improve and sharpen their communication skills.

We realize how difficult it can be to register for these types of classes so we would like to ease some potential fears by giving you additional information.

1. These classes are designed to respect your privacy. In fact, there are no “round table” discussions. Each class begins with a time of classroom-style teaching that is both positive and engaging. Afterward, couples will disperse and privately work through an assigned exercise or the class will break into male/female groups to discuss the homework assignment.

2. These classes are designed to help each person SELF-EXAMINE and improve their own personal communication styles. We consistently direct each person to examine their own issues rather than focus on their partner’s issues.

3. These classes have been developed with an understanding that it’s typically difficult for men to enroll in couple’s classes. There are no “warm fuzzy” exercises! Pastor Rod uses a logical teaching approach and incorporates many of his previous football coaching experiences to explain various concepts.

Whether you and your partner are in a good place simply looking for some relational enrichment or you are in need of some serious intervention, you will find some great ways to increase the intimacy within your romantic relationship. Come discover new ways to connect!

Topics include: How to resolve conflict, How to negotiate and How to remove destructive behaviors that cause your partner to withdrawal during times of conflict.

Please feel free to Contact Us for more info about the Communication Class.

Today’s Verse:

Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.


“I appreciated Pastor Rod and Nicole’s honestly about their own lives. I also appreciated them taking the time to care about us and teach us. Thank you for sharing so honestly about your own relationship!”

Debbie S. (Comm Class)

“I learned that we both need to be working on our relationship because it’s not one-sided. I love Pastor Rod and Nicole’s authenticity and entertainment! I was captivated each week – the 1.5 hours felt like 10 minutes!”

Anonymous (Comm Class)

“I liked the emphasis on God and the fact that I could relate to Pastor Rod and Nicole on a personal level. I feel blessed to have been able to get into this class on short notice. I learned more communication tools and skills here in five weeks then I have in two years of marriage on my own.”

Alex S. (Comm Class)

“I like how they are passionate and I love their transparency and that they are teaching from experience. I really like the team approach and how Pastor Rod represents the men and Nicole does the same with the women. They helped us focus on how we need to change ourselves instead of how our significant other should change.”

Liz G. (Comm Class)

Statistic Sources:

(1) Mehraabian, Albert. 1972. Silent Messages: Implicit Communication of Emotions and Attitudes: Wadsworth Publishing Company.