Guard the Heart Ministries is a partner with Surrender & Win Recovery Meeting


GTHM is dedicated to helping people of all ages find hope while struggling with any type of addiction! If you are in need of a Christ-based Recovery Meeting we can help!


Surrender & Win is a recovery ministry that meets at Lamplighter Bible Church in Streamwood, Illinois.

The primary goal is to let God work by providing His healing power through a Christ-centered program. Surrender & Win focuses on Jesus Christ as the true “Higher Power” and uses God’s Word as the authority in relation to the Twelve Steps of Alcoholic Anonymous.

Surrender & Win’s Twelve Principals to the Road to Recovery tie the Twelve Steps to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

This experience allows people to be “transformed” spiritually by working through sound biblical principles. Participants find help in overcoming addictions, emotional distress, and other issues that have dominated their lives. In addition, they become willing to accept God’s grace and forgiveness in solving life’s problems.

Surrender & Win provides a safe place for individuals to begin their journeys of breaking out from their bondage and into God’s Grace. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Surrender & Win meets on Tuesday nights from 7:30pm to 8:45pm. They begin the night with a speaker who shares his or her experience working a step and then break up into small groups to discuss the step, our sobriety, and how God’s Word coincides with the step. More Info about Lamplighter Bible Church.