
Teens Having Sex


Teen Girls Pregnant Before 20yrs


Teen Girls With STD


Teen With Suicide Plan In Place

Guard the Heart Ministries Teen Seminar
Guard the Heart Ministries Teen Seminar
Guard the Heart Ministries Teen Seminar
Guard the Heart Ministries Teen Seminar

GTHM’s Teen Seminar teaches the basics about how to build healthy relationships when dating. GTHM is committed to helping the next generation make wise decisions about dating and sexual activity.

Young people today need help guarding their hearts because our culture and media bombards them with dangerous sex-saturated ideas and is misleading them into thinking sexual activity has no consequences. This is particularly true in regards to Internet pornography usage with teens and young adult demographics.

GTHM teaches teens how to form healthy dating relationships. We take a fun, informal and very interactive approach that leaves teens and young adults feeling equipped to build healthy relationships with practical tools they can use in their everyday life. Are you are looking for specific help? Check out our Parent Resources!

Teen Seminar Topics Include:


  • Biblical Approach to Teen Sexuality
  • What God’s Word Says About the Heart
  • Truths Behind Condom Usage
  • The Emotional Consequences of Sex (including personal testimony)
  • Neurochemicals: Oxytocin, Dopamine and Prolactin
  • Destructiveness of Pornography
  • Dating Principles: How to Really KNOW Someone
  • Practical Ways to Resist Pressure (Exit Strategies and Refusal Skills)

Today’s Verse:

Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the LORD your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.


“I learned so much. I love how honest you are. It really made you listen to what you have to say. I hate when speakers are not relevant but you are. I wish you could stay, you really helped me. My question in the question bag was about being assertive with the jerk – your answer REALLY help me.”

Carrie C. (Teen Seminar)

“Learning about Oxytocin is amazing. I was going through a BAD break up when I first learned about it. It showed the truth behind what I was going through. After hearing it, I was completely healed. It’s crazy how much learning about it opened my eyes. ”

Justine B. (Teen Seminar)

“I thought this presentation was going to be stupid and that I’m not going to change my mind about having sex but you really DID change my mind! I wanted to say thank you! I really enjoyed you coming to my class.”

Alyssa C. (Teen Seminar)

“I’ve had many abstinence talks and yours was my very favorite. You can get down to our level and you are extremely funny. If I would recommend anything, it would be: Don’t ever change! You’re fantastic!”

Julian G. (Teen Seminar)

“I learned that it is okay and normal to wait to have sex until marriage in that it takes a while to truly know someone. Honestly, this program is awesome! You did a fantastic job! Spending the week with you was sooooo much fun! I know that if I ever need anything I can contact you! You are awesome! Thank you!”

Courtney T. (Teen Seminar)

“The two most important things I learned are how to resist temptation and how porn can destroy you. I was really glad you talked about sexual activity because as a guy I have been struggling with this. You have helped me so much. You covered things I was always scared to ask. I only wish we had more time with you.”

Anonymous (Teen Seminar)

“I learned that having sex really doesn’t help anything. You are a really cool person. The RAM was new to me and very cool. I think you’re a great teacher. I learned a lot and I won’t forget this. Thank you so much for everything.”

M. Z. (Teen Seminar)

“You gave a lot of examples of what bad things that could happen if you are sexually active. You also stayed real and didn’t act like a woman who is trying too hard to be cool. You still act like a mom which is cooler.”

Anonymous (Teen Seminar)

Statistic Sources:

(1) United States Center for Disease Control. “Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Report, 2011”

(2) Alan Guttmacher Institute. (1994). Sex and America’s Teenagers. New York:Alan Guttmacher Institute.

(3) United States Center for Disease Control. “National Vital Statistics Report, 2012” (Volume 61, Number 5)

(4) The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unwanted Pregnancy.